01/01/2025 ICW Day 1 : Long day with good winds.
Today we had favorable winds from the North. This meant that the air was drier and also that we could move on a beam reach (the fastest point of sail) almost all day long… except when the wind died and we found ourselves in one foot deep water.
Last night, we camped on a tiny island that was more water than land. Miraculously, there were no bugs, so we left the tent doors open and enjoyed the cool breeze for several hours until midnight. That is when the noises began. There were two noises to keep one awake - first the bang bang of fireworks. Second was the bang bang of a couple having sex on the other side of island - either it was loud, or sound travels far out here. I heard some stuff I didn’t want to hear.
Today’s sailing was fun. Janet got up on the paddle board and relaxed a bit two times. That was good because in order tonenjoy the sailing, I think we need to be able to take rests from pedaling - which we did quite a bit today too.
We saw many flying fish - they magically stand on their tails and flit across the water surface in an upright position as if they are walking on water. Another fish jumped onto the boat. We saw a few large fish in the water and several signs of LARGE lurking creatures. I don’t know what they were.. rays? Crocs? Sharks? All exist here, but usually you would just see the big splash and the sand cloud.
Last night, we camped on a tiny island that was more water than land. Miraculously, there were no bugs, so we left the tent doors open and enjoyed the cool breeze for several hours until midnight. That is when the noises began. There were two noises to keep one awake - first the bang bang of fireworks. Second was the bang bang of a couple having sex on the other side of island - either it was loud, or sound travels far out here. I heard some stuff I didn’t want to hear.
Today’s sailing was fun. Janet got up on the paddle board and relaxed a bit two times. That was good because in order tonenjoy the sailing, I think we need to be able to take rests from pedaling - which we did quite a bit today too.
We saw many flying fish - they magically stand on their tails and flit across the water surface in an upright position as if they are walking on water. Another fish jumped onto the boat. We saw a few large fish in the water and several signs of LARGE lurking creatures. I don’t know what they were.. rays? Crocs? Sharks? All exist here, but usually you would just see the big splash and the sand cloud.

This is our little island for the night. Nest Key.

Underway with a perfect steady wind.

This fish jumped into the boat so Janet took a photo before I plopped him back in the water. He had found the pedal well and was trying to swim down that, but he wouldn’t fit through.

We arrived a platform in the middle of the keys. There was already a couple here and they had set up their stuff on both platforms. I had been thinking as we approached that Janet and I could camp here. We climbed up and used the port-a-potty. At first, I thought the couple seemed a little surly, but they got more friendly as we talked to them. They said they were from the South, and that is why they were friendly. You can see the woman (presumably naked) under that green towel. Maybe that is why they didn’t seem to happy to see us. Then they told us that they had reserved the platform. Oops! I felt bad for “boarding” their home for the night. We apologized, just as a pair of kayakers arrived and asked to use the 2nd platform tonight. Guess someone else reserved the other platform!

Whew! Long day!

Strava Comments:
Stan H.
Your drone shots add so much. The cinematographer in “Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story” said filming the north Scotland coast was challenging because it was so flat - until he used a drone, and the landscape/seascape was revealed.
Janet W.
Yay, we made it a long way today. I need to do more studying about how to sail a boat. I can do the pedaling part. Thankful we brought bug repellant and feeling good settled in our night 2 tent!
Brandon B.
I thought the Crocs were only in S America?
Jennifer G.
Starting off 2025 with an aquatic adventure - happy new year! Wishing you smooth sailing and happy days!
Mark G.
Incredible day of explorations and discoveries. Love that Day #1 is the first day of 2025-Happy New Year.
Judy I.
This adventure has NEW written all over it! How exciting! Happy New Year!🎊
Roberta G.
Photos are awesome
Brian L.
Brandon Baker - someone told us today that it’s the “American Crocodile,” and the Everglades are the location of the largest population. 🤷
Ride Stats:
Elapsed Time | Moving Time | Distance | Average Speed | Max Speed | Elevation Gain | Calories Burned |