01/03/2025 ICW Day 3 : No one is gonna find that. Except Maybe Jesus

Janet and I had another excellent day today. We are learning how to do this every step of the way. We are leaning how to work together to sail the boat, moving back and forth, trading places, passing off the steering responsibilities, reapairing stuff, drying things, researching depth, tides, satellite view, legal (or illegal so far) places to land. Sailing is more about team work than even tandem cycling, and we are loving it.

We landed in a private little cove. When I say private, I mean, the public isn’t allowed. But it is hard to get to groceries on foot, so we chanced it. Janet walked to Publix market while I dried the clothes and tents and tried to befriend a kid who was fishing for “Barracuda.”

“Aren’t those big?” I asked.

“No, that is the great barracuda,” the kid schooled me. “See, there is one,” he pointed to what I thought was a needlefish. Later he got one on his line. Pretty good for a 7 year old.

After Janet fetched our food, we sailed off and went outside into the gulf. The bridge was too low for our mast, but because this boat is collapsible, on a minute, I had the mast down. Janet pedaled is under the bridge, and then the mast was back up in seconds.

We were unable to find a place that looked like a reliable camping spot on the satellite. I considered using the drone to find a place, but an idea had been brewing in my head. Last night we slept on the boat. We slept well, but it wasn’t great. The two little tents are so small… my idea was to move our paddle boards together and erect our McMansion tent on top of them.

It went together well, and now we have so much more room - on the water! It is fantastic! I will probably be mailing the single tents home soon. Like I said, we learn something new each day.


Cooking on the porch!

It worked, but wasn’t as good as our new setup.

There are so many shallows, you have to be careful. Our boat isn’t invincible when it comes to shallow water, but we can walk it at least.

❤️ 💕

We came to a sandbar and couldn’t resist taking a dip.

Our new sleeping setup - the 4 person tent with standing room!

View from inside our houseboat. 😆

We have neighbors. We can see “Sand Dollar,” and we are “Red Lobster.” (Named by Janet). From marinetraffic dot com

Strava Comments:

Phil M.
🤞🏻Hoping there aren’t any alligators where you have been camping out.

Ann L.
Neat sleeping on the water. Looks peaceful.

Mark G.
You two have been the first ever to so many things in inventive ways; and you may be the only people to do them ever. . Red Lobster 🦞 is becoming so very flexible to so many situations. As always thank you for taking the time and energy to share us with his adventure. Also super cool you had a grocery stop.

Corrine L.
I am loving hearing about this new adventure and how you are figuring things out as you go! Go Red Lobster!

Gordon L.
Oooh, that looks fun!

Donna K.

Nancy P.
Love the new set up!! I find that clear blue sparkling water irresistibly beautiful! Florida is just one big sand bar..no? Who will receive your mailed back tents? Shall I pick them up for storage?

Paula G.
Red Lobster with a McMansion?? Who would have thought. I love your ingenious ways of improving your travels!

Osman I.
Amazing stuff! I became a Red Lobster fan.

Janet W.
Traveling with my Sweetie Brian is always a fun adventure- and always something new and challenging! A lot different from bike packing.

Laurie M.
That looks so awesome!

lisa M.
the clarity of the water!!! 🤙🏼💦💦💦

Ride Stats:

Elapsed Time Moving Time Distance Average Speed Max Speed Elevation Gain Calories Burned

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