02/03/2024 Bikepacking Ghana Day 179 : Big City Bedlam
Gotta get to an airport somehow, and cities are in the way. I continue to like Ghana… I told my sister on the phone last night, “I’m a little embarrassed to say this, but I like Ghana because… it feels more like home.”
There was total mayhem crossing the city - but there was a sense that the drivers cared about human life. I met plenty of friendly people, and one scammy lady. Lots of big Ghana smiles.
So today, many people everywhere were wearing red and black clothing. I finally got a chance to ask if today was some sort of holiday at my hotel.
The hotel manager introduced himself as a pastor, and he said, “Today is Saturday; it’s when we mourn the dead.”
I went ahead and grabbed an internet photo because it didn’t feel right to be snapping photos of funerals in every town.. but people were not somber. It was more like a party in each village. Apparently, people will wait weeks or even months before having a funeral so they can get the resources together to make as big of a party as possible.
You probably saw my photos of all the signs commemorating people who had died.. Ghana seems to take its dead people quite seriously!
Sorry for the short stories. I’m on vacation now! 😆
There was total mayhem crossing the city - but there was a sense that the drivers cared about human life. I met plenty of friendly people, and one scammy lady. Lots of big Ghana smiles.
So today, many people everywhere were wearing red and black clothing. I finally got a chance to ask if today was some sort of holiday at my hotel.
The hotel manager introduced himself as a pastor, and he said, “Today is Saturday; it’s when we mourn the dead.”
I went ahead and grabbed an internet photo because it didn’t feel right to be snapping photos of funerals in every town.. but people were not somber. It was more like a party in each village. Apparently, people will wait weeks or even months before having a funeral so they can get the resources together to make as big of a party as possible.
You probably saw my photos of all the signs commemorating people who had died.. Ghana seems to take its dead people quite seriously!
Sorry for the short stories. I’m on vacation now! 😆

Ussies everywhere! Jeff, ??, and Constance. They asked if I came alone. Isn’t it dangerous? I told them it was OK. “You must believe in God,” came the reply. Ghana is fun and friendly… and so many people are suddenly asking me about danger. I always ask them, “is Ghana dangerous?” They always say that it is not… but everyone is worried about the dangers of “Africa” here.
Monkey see, monkey poo

Internet photo that depicts quite well what I saw on most streets today. Often, the men would have those robes, but they would be black instead of red.
Strava Comments:
Janet W.
I like your light hearted short story today. You deserve to be on vacation - for a few more days. Maybe Ghanans celebrate the memories of their friends and family after they die. You're also wearing red and black in your bicycle action suit!
Ann L.
Is the monkey in the video the one that pooped and peed on you? Funny and cute! I agree with Janet. Enjoyed your quick post and you do deserve a vacation. Interesting how their culture recognizes the dead and yes your colors fit right in!
Paula G.
What a happy day!!! Enjoy!
Mark G.
74 miles in a happy place seems like a great vacation
Ride Stats:
Elapsed Time | Moving Time | Distance | Average Speed | Max Speed | Elevation Gain | Calories Burned |