02/09/2025 ICW Day 40 : Dry Idea

We waited for the current to turn around - it had been flowing against our intended direction of travel at an amazing rate. We used this time to stock up on 6 days worth of food, water, and electricity (the park had electric outlets). We are thinking of buying a 28W solar setup so we can have more freedom. But honestly, it has been working out to charge while we have to wait out currents or wind. This next leg promises to be the most remote of the journey so far.

The wind was nearly perfect and we had some of our best sailing yet. We stopped over at the Fort Fredericka National Monument. This was just slightly off the panned route.


Janet at Fort Frederica. They didn’t really have a dock so I landed in the mud. I sank to my knees and then a ranger saw us and had us go back to their dock - which was just a ladder. Janet is getting in lots of “yoga” having to maneuver around the boat and all these land interfaces.

Here I am counterbalancing and also riding low as to minimize air drag. On a bike, this would be called the Superman position.

Tonight’s camp. You can see how the currents rile up the water.

Strava Comments:

Janet W.
Another almost perfect day on the water! Thanks for going grocery shopping while I supervised the charging station!

Stan H.
I’m impressed at the size of the trees at Fort Frederica. They must have seen a few hurricanes. And interesting that the fort is named after Frederic, son of King George II, yet with the feminine version of the name.

Ride Stats:

Elapsed Time Moving Time Distance Average Speed Max Speed Elevation Gain Calories Burned

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