08/10/2023 Bikepacking Spain Day 2 : Visit with Pat and Bob

I asked Janet, “should I post the picture of the squirrels?” She said, “Sure! It’s not any different than a chicken!” So that is how you came to be viewing some skinned squirrels on your Strava feed this fine day.

Without making any plans, it just so happened that my Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob were going to be in Barcelona the exact same days as me and Janet! Once we found this out from my sister, we decided to join forces and sightsee together…. But of course we didn’t *really* sightsee and just talked the entire time!

My cousin Danny died at the age of 25 from a rare mutation in the p53 gene (that is the gene that does the double check on DNA replication so we don’t get cancer). Before diagnosis, he had studied abroad in Barcelona, and unbeknownst to us, this was his favorite restaurant here, which my aunt Pat found out from Danny’s dad. Danny didn’t tell anyone except his parents/siblings what was going on until the last week of his life because he didn’t want to burden others with his condition. I and admire him for his unbelievable stoicism; that’s not something I could have done. These health issues are obviously terrible things, but there is the silver lining: It brings people closer together (I feel his family formed an even tighter bond after his diagnosis; they took many family trips together, including one to here)… sucky health issues also can get you going on your own life. When you’re healthy, it’s easy to say, “I really want to xyz someday”…. But not take any action on your dreams thinking you’ll do it “tomorrow.” Danny and his family did what they could, putting all into LIVING and DOING now.
Strava Comments:
Janet W.
Cheers to Danny and to Pat and Bob for sharing a wonderful day together in Barcelona! Families and friends are everything!
k P.
Did they taste as good as they look?
Glenn O.
Janet was 100% right! Humans try to rationalize why it’s okay to eat some animals, but can get quite upset at the thought of eating others.
Animals experience many of the same emotions that we do.
Vegetarian or vegan diets can provide all the variety and nutrition one needs.
(Stepping down off my “soapbox”)
Paula G.
Your cousin must have been a very strong/silent type. Sorry to hear about his young passing. Cheers to living it up while you can.
Donna K.
Brian, comments on embracing life in the now ring true. You never know what life holds in store so go for it now. You and Janet definitely embrace life to it’s fullest. I admire you guys. Enjoy the journey!
Ann L.
Umm I could have done without the skinned squirrels 🐿 pic 😉
Brian L.
Glenn Ohler - Your comment reminded me of this Radiolab episode: - I loved this episode and think you will too.
Glenn O.
Thanks, Brian Lucido I downloaded that episode today 👍
Sօʀƈɛʀɛʀ 🅅.
There's a way of life for us all, and there's a way of death too. The excellent photos and commentary reflect it. We are not only the air we breath, the place we live, the thoughts we think, and the ideals and principles we strive to live and die by. Everything changes. Identity could be illusory but pain isn't.
Glenn O.
Brian Lucido, Thanks for the RadioLab recommendation! Excellent podcast. I could go on, but I’ll leave it there. 🙏
Jessica M.
That’s awesome you got to meet up with them. Nice you made the time and effort! Keep living a good life - and eat some squirrels along the !
Sօʀƈɛʀɛʀ 🅅.
We just listened to the podcast. I'd already seen a variety of videos about this humpback whale behavior and have mentated upon the awesome majesty of it. It reminded me of when I did a science project in 6th grade about the whale hunt. It was followed by reading Moby Dick. I became an animal lover and an aspirational vegetarian from then on. Also, Melville opened my eyes to the ubiquity dignity and variety of human sexuality and the utter shame of nationalistic jingoism. I never became an activist for these causes and sometimes i feel like a coward (funny word around cow).
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