08/12/2023 Bikepacking Spain Day 4 : The Waterbed

Off to the Pyrenees! Last time, we rode to the mountains from Barcelona, engaging in such dreary routes as “The Ovenly Commute.” This time we went straight for the good stuff - 3 days of riding accomplished in 3 train hours.

Janet read that it would rain up here in the mountains, so we were pleased to find good weather… with perhaps slightly ominous skies…

I watched this bee and butterfly. They reminded me of my niece and nephew. Each time the butterfly moved to a new flower, the bee would follow. It’s like they were buddies. My nephew follows his older sister around like that a lot of the time.

Sorry for so few captions… my track got “stuck” in the GPS and Janet is already done posting her Strava - so I’m busting this out.

Tonight we got a waterbed… we were close to the end of the day and we could see a thunderstorm about 2 minutes away. We got the tent set up in a jiffy - but I didn’t have time to strip naked, meaning my clothes were soaked. Within 10 minutes, this video happened. Audio recommended.

Sometimes people say they would like to join us on our tours. 🧐 Not sure that is a good idea…
I would go back and forth as much as I could to help Janet with her bike.
Strava Comments:
Mark G.
Great move on "getting out of "Dodge". BTW I missed it till now...that you two took your mnt bikes(aka KVRbikes) vs tandem. Thanks for packing the drone.
Ann L.
The scenery looks absolutely gorgeous! It would not be a Brian adventure without some bike pushing and a getting drenched downpour. Rain seems to like to follow you guys!
terri W.
Finally catching up on your newest adventure. I love your water bed description. Hopefully you woke up to a dry morning. Such beautiful scenery and interesting route! Now I need to go back and see your trip starting point! 😊
DogMeat Q.
We would join you any day!!! Then again, you knew that!
Nancy A.
pics are pretty awesome
Nancy T.
I had a very similar experience at Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I woke up with my therma rest floating!
Paula G.
Wow those are big hills! I'm excited to see the Pyrenees mountains up close. I remember water beds. We had one for years!!
Ride Stats:
Elapsed Time | Moving Time | Distance | Average Speed | Max Speed | Elevation Gain | Calories Burned |