10/10/2023 Bikepacking Spain Day 63 : Sierra Nevada High
Dan L - thanks for your “guidebook” on this section! Better than !

A cold night last night.. 39F and a big change from the 100 degree days we had been having. I like the (dry) heat. Can’t believe I’m saying that, but I really enjoyed it a lot.

We would drop down into that fog. First we were cold… then we were hot. In the fog we were wet until we crossed the valley. Like how the blades are poking out of the fog.

This part of Spain has more castles per square mile than any other part of Spain. Maybe even any other part of the world. The towns here are often built atop hills. What was practical in days of invasions now makes for extra work if you’re a bike packer.

Proud of Janet! She announces that she is going to call the bike shop, and before my eyes, picks up her phone and starts calling about a bike box! Usually, phone calls in Spanish are my job because it is always a little harder to talk on a phone than in person. I’m not sure why that is; maybe because body language can convey a lot of the conversation details. The shop had a box and will save it for 2 weeks!

Now we are up in the Sierra Nevada after being in the Sierra Baza just yesterday. It’s neat to be able to hit two ranges in two days. I had been excited about this section from studying the map, though the photos I had seen weren’t drawing me to visit as much. Turns out that yes, there is some good scenes up here!

Tonight, we endeavored to reach a Refugio. After sleeping cold last night, I decided it would be nice to sleep indoors. This one is called 7 star Refugio, and it is nice with thick concrete walls and even has bed frames. Yesterday, I stopped eating at 1pm in the hope that it would quell my reflux. It didnt and I was also cold from inadequate calories. I was up until 1 am jogging around, jumping off tables, chewing gum, massaging my abdomen. Nothing worked and even 20 hours after my last meal (in the morning) there was still food coming up. This has actually been harder on me than the type 1 diabetes because of the lack of sleep. I can still enjoy the days, but dread the nights.

Fall colors have arrived, as if overnight! This is our 3rd fall in 12 months!

Good night!
Strava Comments:
Dan L.
Brian Lucido Awesome! Maybe I should apply to be a contributor to !
Nancy P.
Beautiful scenery and different! Looks chilly 🥶 Should I schedule you an endoscopy?
Corrine L.
Sorry about the health issues. I agree, and endoscopy should probably be done once you get home.
Judy I.
Is there something like Ensure that you could digest more easily? Must be hard to find foods that work for your diabetes but are still easy to break down in your gut. (We are all worried about you now!❤️)
Marty P.
You could try finding some Prilosec(Omeprazone) somewhere, it might help temporarily. It cured my reflux/gerd. I’ve had many cameras stuck up my nose to look down my throat.
Rush T.
I am sorry to hear of your pain. Truly frustrating. I was out on the trail once, had some serious heart burn and would have given anything for some Tums. And as it happened, I found a guy willing to trade me some antacids for my Vicodin!
Ann L.
Shoot Brian I’m sorry to hear you are still having that stomach issue! My two cents of advice and I hate to even suggest this but: maybe cut back on coffee ☕️? I’ve heard it makes acid reflux worst. But I know you’ve done a lot of research and had some testing done already too. On another happier note you are super lucky to experience fall like weather 3 times this year! My favorite time of year!
Paula G.
LOVE the castle!! Could you tour them if you wanted to? I didn't know that Spain had Sierra Nevada mountains too. Hope you get some well needed sleep by next nightfall.
Brian L.
Nancy Prier - thanks for offering. I already had the endoscopy, barium swallow, gave up tea and coffee for 2 months. Tried not eating food. Tried ensure. Tried 2 prescription PPIs (which made it worse). Tried chewing gum, tried yogurt. Tried OTC stuff like Tumms. Tried running when it happens, drinking water, not eating anything. The most bizarre thing is last night was fine - and I ate dinner too. Endoscopy did reveal some serious issues, including Barrett’s esophagus, but the only “tool in the quiver” that our local docs have is PPI meds that clearly worsen symptoms. I am perplexed as to why last night was ok, but precious two nights were unbearable.
Stephen Mark R.
Your not far from El Chorro which is definitely worth looking up
Nancy P.
So bizarre but a good night 💤 is 🙏🏻. Time to get you a a specialist 😑
Nancy P.
Barrett's in no joke. time to get serious.
Sօʀƈɛʀɛʀ 🅅.
What the heck Brian! Missing sleep and not feeling well. How do you do this stuff with that going on? I'm trying to catch up with your activities tonight. I missed so much.
Brian L.
Nancy Prier - just so you don’t think I’m being negligent, I’ve also had 3 (negative) H. Pylori tests. Negative hemoccult, MRCP exam, ultrasound…. All docs say same: PPI. I say it doesn’t work. They say take more. That makes ammonia 💩 and feel even worse. I have been quite serious.
Nancy P.
Brian Lucido I’m just worried about Barrett being a precursor to…
Ride Stats:
Elapsed Time | Moving Time | Distance | Average Speed | Max Speed | Elevation Gain | Calories Burned |