11/01/2023 Bikepacking Spain Day 85 : First day solo
I have decided that I am going to use this space for stories more often, and captions a little less frequently. This was partly inspired because Strava has changed the way captions appear, and I’m finding it too hard to read/write. Especially if the bottom of the photo has a light color. Today was a great day solo, and while I missed Janet, I am pretty sure she didn’t miss some of this terrain (the hiking of it, not the seeing of it). I came to a quiet intersection where the trail departed from the dirt road I was on. At that moment, two young bikepackers appeared coming from the trail. I asked them how it was. They rolled their eyes and said it took them 1 hour to do the last 3 kilometers. Full of loose rocks and 30 percent grade. Except, here is the rub: they were going in the downhill direction. I labored my bike up that hill, and I realize that a successful strategy moving forward will be to avoid this type of terrain when possible! It is not only hard on the body, but also the mind. Luckily, scenery got good after that and there was some payback. Downhill. Rotunda was a hyper touristic town; I went to buy some snacks at the gas station and the lady was saying something to me. I was really embarrassed because I usually understand Spanish so well, but what were these words? I do this all the time: I “listen in Spanish”… and it causes me some roadblocks. She had been saying, “do you want a bag” in English. With her accent, I had to ask 3 times (in Spanish) and she kept repeating her answer in English which I didn’t understand 🙄.

Clear autumn mobbing. Cool air. Time to head South!

When I get time, I want t research the meaning of the Andalucía symbol.

Let steepness begin!!

.. and continúe!

If anyone has an idea how to fill a water bottle from this type of fountain, I’d love to know.

Cueva del Gato (cave of the cat). Where I will sleep tonight.

I got to talk to Janet tonight using WhatsApp and a video call and that was super awesome. It was really great to see her on my phone and I am very happy about all the technology that we have today. Tonight I’m going to camp inside the cave of the cat.
Strava Comments:
Mark G.
Sleep well in Cat's Cradle.....
Dan L.
Holy cow, that distance and elevation gain is impressive! And I remember that rocky HAB section near Ronda - and yeah, even going downhill it was an ordeal!
Janet W.
It was fun video chatting with you this evening! I do miss you, but I wouldn’t have loved the hike-a-bike climb. El Cueva del Gato foes not look like it would be flat inside. There is water flowing out! Miss you and am glad you had so much great scenery today. Love the frolicking lambs and biker. PS I ate all the carrots you didn’t have room for for dinner.
Paula G.
Aside from the rough part, that does look really nice. The cave and water would make for a very peaceful sleep. Looks like you are off to a great start.
Gordon L.
Tough, beautiful ride. Like the photos! Too bad you don't have something that could suck up some of the water as it comes out of the fountain. Then you could eject it into your bottle. You could do that with your mouth, but then the water in your bottle would have saliva in it too. Yick.
Jonathan ∑.
The area around Ronda is beautiful. For whatever it’s worth, I do prefer reading the description vs the captions.
Alan B.
Nice climb! I’ve had that same English problem in Japanese: We’re speaking in Japanese, then I can’t figure out what some word is, and finally I realize it’s an English word that was incorporated into Japanese..
Braden L.
Looks so nice, the cave spot is a score!!
Joffrey P.
Could a soft flask be easier to fill in those bubbler fountains?
DogMeat Q.
Its gonna be weird not seeing Janet in your photos going forward.
Judy I.
I could watch that lamb video to that music for hours…😍
Ann L.
Really spectacular and beautiful scenery. Nice videos. So peaceful to sleep in that cave by the water. Glad you had a good day. It is easier to read the description instead of captions.
Jessica M.
Huge first day!! Enjoyed your pics! Glad you have good contact with Janet…she’s a great riding partner!!
Ride Stats:
Elapsed Time | Moving Time | Distance | Average Speed | Max Speed | Elevation Gain | Calories Burned |