11/04/2023 Bikepacking Morocco Day 88 : God’s other bridge
I went downstairs for the breakfast and met a long table prepared for a paniphile. There were no fewer than 8 kinds of breads. Flat ones, round ones, rolled ones, puffy ones. I was about to return to my room with a coffee when I spied one other type of food: hard boiled eggs. The man eyed me curiously as I walked to my table with 5 eggs and a coffee, and then he brought over an orange juice as if he was worried that I was going to be starved for sugar. Deciding that I need to embrace this too, I shot up some insulin for the orange juice, and then decided to go for some of that flat bread. I knew that bread was going to turn into sugar faster than Cinderella’s coach became a pumpkin, so I decided to get moving and shot an extra unit into my leg muscle.
When the tall slender man in a blue suit took me to my bicycle, he must have noticed my swift movement. He said, “don’t worry. There is no hurry. I can wait here while you pack your bike.” A sincere smile accompanied his words; again and again I’m being counseled by smart people to slow it down a bit. I feel like a dog that just wants to keep running after the ball - even when exhausted. And exhausted I was… well not for the first 3 hours which were accompanied by a tailwind, a sugar buzz, and coffee… taking me to a lovely, but deserted beach with ease…. But then the climbing to the mountains began amidst furious headwinds. I hunkered down and plugged into the wind.. and into my French podcasts.
Everyone here seems to speak a little bit of Spanish, a little English, a decent amount of French… and lots of Moroccan Arabic. The only two words I understand in Arabic so far are “Salaam-Alaikum” (peace be with you and Gods mercy)…. And a word “inshallah” that sounds like the Spanish “ojala” which means “god willing”. It is now a race to learn French and my speaking has already improved today. I would pull over repeatedly as I thought of things to say in French and speak them to my phone to “test out”. Sure, I can get a hotel or coffee in French.. but the key to a more rich experience is going to be to engage with the people, tell stories, and make them laugh (the later has proven to be the easiest of the three).
After lots of physical effort, some walking (because of the wind, not the hills) I got happy, saved by the mountain scenery. There seem to be 3 things that are hardwired to the happiness receptors in my brain. Seeing Janet, coffee, and beautiful scenery. The day was turning out to be good, with the objective of visiting “God’s Bridge”. In our travels, Janet and I have come to dozens of God’s bridges…. I wonder if it bothers God that he needs all these bridges, while his son can just walk on water. Regardless, I’m glad God left these bridges around for us to hike to.
It turns out that this was a pretty touristic location. My opinion on touristy spots kinds of flips when I’m alone in a foreign country. I end up liking touristic spots a lot more because there are other people interested in the same thing as me mulling about. And so I ended up hiking with a guy named Omar from the desert of Morocco. I’ll be dammed, he had worked on building the (now) highest dam in the world in Tajikistan. It’s now bigger than the formerly biggest dam in China. I asked if they had a competition going on with dam size… anyway, by the end of the hike (which ended for him once the slope turned 35 degrees upward) he decided to give me his phone number so I can look him up in 800km. He lives right along my planned route, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing a friendly and familiar face in a week or so. I decided to stop “early” (meaning before dark) and got a hotel room for less than $20 USD. Why not?
One thing you should be careful of is a hotel run by young men who are not dressed in suits. The smiling guy took me to the room, and quickly picked up the trash and fluffed up the pillows. I learned how to ask for a towel (“serviette”) in French (Janet will laugh at this one, because it sounds like asking for a “napkin” in Spanish). The room probably looks good in my picture.. but because I’m still doing the upside down eating thing, I had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with the variety of unique, but squished bugs inhabiting the floor. A god day.. and good night to you!
When the tall slender man in a blue suit took me to my bicycle, he must have noticed my swift movement. He said, “don’t worry. There is no hurry. I can wait here while you pack your bike.” A sincere smile accompanied his words; again and again I’m being counseled by smart people to slow it down a bit. I feel like a dog that just wants to keep running after the ball - even when exhausted. And exhausted I was… well not for the first 3 hours which were accompanied by a tailwind, a sugar buzz, and coffee… taking me to a lovely, but deserted beach with ease…. But then the climbing to the mountains began amidst furious headwinds. I hunkered down and plugged into the wind.. and into my French podcasts.
Everyone here seems to speak a little bit of Spanish, a little English, a decent amount of French… and lots of Moroccan Arabic. The only two words I understand in Arabic so far are “Salaam-Alaikum” (peace be with you and Gods mercy)…. And a word “inshallah” that sounds like the Spanish “ojala” which means “god willing”. It is now a race to learn French and my speaking has already improved today. I would pull over repeatedly as I thought of things to say in French and speak them to my phone to “test out”. Sure, I can get a hotel or coffee in French.. but the key to a more rich experience is going to be to engage with the people, tell stories, and make them laugh (the later has proven to be the easiest of the three).
After lots of physical effort, some walking (because of the wind, not the hills) I got happy, saved by the mountain scenery. There seem to be 3 things that are hardwired to the happiness receptors in my brain. Seeing Janet, coffee, and beautiful scenery. The day was turning out to be good, with the objective of visiting “God’s Bridge”. In our travels, Janet and I have come to dozens of God’s bridges…. I wonder if it bothers God that he needs all these bridges, while his son can just walk on water. Regardless, I’m glad God left these bridges around for us to hike to.
It turns out that this was a pretty touristic location. My opinion on touristy spots kinds of flips when I’m alone in a foreign country. I end up liking touristic spots a lot more because there are other people interested in the same thing as me mulling about. And so I ended up hiking with a guy named Omar from the desert of Morocco. I’ll be dammed, he had worked on building the (now) highest dam in the world in Tajikistan. It’s now bigger than the formerly biggest dam in China. I asked if they had a competition going on with dam size… anyway, by the end of the hike (which ended for him once the slope turned 35 degrees upward) he decided to give me his phone number so I can look him up in 800km. He lives right along my planned route, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing a friendly and familiar face in a week or so. I decided to stop “early” (meaning before dark) and got a hotel room for less than $20 USD. Why not?
One thing you should be careful of is a hotel run by young men who are not dressed in suits. The smiling guy took me to the room, and quickly picked up the trash and fluffed up the pillows. I learned how to ask for a towel (“serviette”) in French (Janet will laugh at this one, because it sounds like asking for a “napkin” in Spanish). The room probably looks good in my picture.. but because I’m still doing the upside down eating thing, I had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with the variety of unique, but squished bugs inhabiting the floor. A god day.. and good night to you!

Amazing beaches, but not many people about.

Cemetery in Tetouan. I was actually looking for some tanneries (tourist attraction) but didn’t find them - maybe misplaced icon on my map?
Video of what it was like riding through pedestrian ways of Tetouan.

Mediterranean, kind of like California coast!

Why is no one out on this promenade on the beach?

LMDIYA is my acronym for the mountains of Iberia and Africa. I’m going to hit the mountains hard here in the north of Africa because they Peter out for a long way until Guinea.

Happy timeS!

Close up of Gods bridge - todays objective.

My room tonight with the buggy floor.
Strava Comments:
Carol D.
I'm definitely a paniphile. I'd have tried at least half of the 9 different types of bread. Fortunately there are no nearby good sources for my
Ann L.
I love the three things that make you happy are so simple and genuine. The people there seem so nice and laid back. Great to see a totally different culture from ours. Nice you made a friend on the hike that you will see later! God’s Bridge looks amazing. Such beautiful scenery.
We will take good care of keeping Janet occupied in your absence.
Janet W.
The air looks so clear! It must be the strong winds. Quite dramatic scenery with both mountains and coastline. It was fun talking to you and hearing about your conversations with people in bits of English, Spanish and French! Your French will improve by leaps and bounds each day. Ojalá que no hay chinches en tu cama!
Corrine L.
Absolutely loving your commentary. Keep it coming!
Corrine L.
And stunning scenery!
terri W.
What a beautiful and fun day in the life of Brian’s solo travel. I really need to catch up on the last few months.. sadly I’m way behind but I second Ann and Carols comments. And know that we’re excited to have Janet back! We will be very happy to enjoy Janet in your absence! Safe travels!
Mark G.
My 3 things that enlighten the soul: Jennifer Glenesk , nature, family, adventure....oops that's four. Great day Brian
Stan H.
I can’t imagine having to decide whether to inject more precious insulin in the name of being polite. God’s Bridge is impressive! “Salaam-Alaikum”!
Paula G.
I love how your happy receptors work. Hopefully the rest of your receptors will work to keep you going strong through the end of February. Your video reminds me of a few movies that I've seen. There is usually someone lurking in a hall or behind one of the doors.
Sօʀƈɛʀɛʀ 🅅.
Wonderful view of God's Bridge! It is as God wills.
Ride Stats:
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