Author: Brian
Type 1 diabetes FAQs – I thought you weren’t allowed to drink alcohol because alcohol turns into sugar!
Now that we and many of our friends are fully immunized, we’ve explored having meals with friends after a one and a half year hiatus. It’s great to be able to do this again!...
The Condor Trail (Leg One)
One day Janet and I were bikepacking some remote trails in the Los Padres National Forest and we met a couple who told us they were hiking the Condor Trail. Once we got home...
Bikepacking Death Valley – Valle de la Muerte
Janet and I have been envisioning a bikepacking route through Death Valley for a while. We wanted to try and see “everything” in the entire park – so we sculpted a route that linked...
Wandering the West Bikepack trip
In the fall of 2020, Janet and I attempted to ride the Colorado Trail. Thwarted by deep snow, we plotted a wandering route that utilized portions of existing routes such as the Pony Express...
Crossing the USA by bike (aborted)
On February 1, 2020, Janet and I set out to ride our Kalapuya Tandem Bike across the United States. I had spent a couple of months designing the route and we had the bike...
Bikepacking Spain
In the late Summer/early Fall of 2019, Janet and I decided to link together several bike packing routes from We didn’t do any route in its entirety – but we planned to do...
Bikepacking So-Cal Roadie Style
Janet and I wanted to ride our bikes to her nephew’s wedding in Phoenix, AZ, so I spent some time studying the maps to find a creative, quiet, and almost entirely paved route into...