Bike Touring Colombia – Popayan to Mocoa via Purace
This route takes you from Popayan (“the white city”) across the spine of the Andes… Twice! If you’ve ever heard of the term “FOMO,” you’ll know that I have it bad. “FOMO” stands for...
Exploring good routes and bad ones to help you decide where to go
This route takes you from Popayan (“the white city”) across the spine of the Andes… Twice! If you’ve ever heard of the term “FOMO,” you’ll know that I have it bad. “FOMO” stands for...
If you like to travel, perhaps you’ve noticed something about the character of popular destinations. When you arrive at a popular destination, you’ll often notice that many services have popped up: restaurants, hotels, gas...
To make up some time, Janet and I had planned to ride a bus through the “boring” (as we perceived it) low, flatlands. Our perspective on the lower regions is that they are hot,...
Climbing. The grade is steep, but the road is paved. The air is warm and humid, and I ride with my shirt off. The opaque sheen of heavy rain looms in the Cocora valley...
Traffic is suddenly coming to a stop. A man is walking across two lanes of traffic, lifting up the midriff of his blue shirt, revealing his chiseled six pack. Although cars don’t usually stop...
Thwack!..Thwack!………Thwack! The handful of rocks I had just thrown scatter-gun style had just hit their squishy target. Satisfaction surged through my body – like that feeling you get when you pop that annoying pimple...
This page is the hub that links to sub posts for our bicycle trip from Bogota, Colombia to Cuzco, Peru. Blue colored track represents non-bike travel (such as bus or boat). Yellow represents air...
This is the map for the entire route discussed in this post. To Export GPX files, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner of the map and select Export...