Category: Routes


Kayaking Mono Lake, CA

GPX Track for this Route. My friend Gruppo and I headed to Mono Lake for a quick trip this spring.  Prior to departure, we discovered that the islands in the middle of Mono Lake are...


Mountain Biking in Colorado

Day1 – 08/23/2008 Hole in the Ground Trail 16 miles, 2000′ of climbing Day3 – 08/25/2008 Solitude Ski Resort Smoky Day 18 miles, 3000′ of climbing. Day4 – 08/26/2008 Mid Mountain Spiro Trail – Park City Day5...


Kayaking From Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe

GPS Track for this route. Sand Harbor is an easy place to start your paddle, and it is visually appealing due to the rocks jutting out of the water in the immediate vicinity.  We...


Kayaking Estero Americano

If you are looking for an easy, calm paddle North of San Francisco, you might want to go to Estero Americano. The put in for this paddle is Right Near Valley Ford (Here is...