Bikepacking Arizona’s Black Canyon Trail
The Black Canyon trail in Arizona is 70 miles of single track bliss. You might be able to do it in one very long epic suffer-fest, but why not enjoy it over the course...
Exploring good routes and bad ones to help you decide where to go
The Black Canyon trail in Arizona is 70 miles of single track bliss. You might be able to do it in one very long epic suffer-fest, but why not enjoy it over the course...
I’ve been meaning to begin a trip from Mineral King, and we finally had an opportunity to squeeze in a 3 day backpacking trip to this new location. The route we selected could be...
This section does not need as much explanation as the rest of our South America Routes. It is fairly straightforward, and almost entirely paved, and far more services than our previous routes. In spite...
This section contains an extended section of super scenery – and it isn’t in the super high elevations like some of the other scenic routes we’ve recently discussed. Before I get into discussing the...
This section contains 3 major highlight regions of Peru. If you love glaciated mountains like we do, this section could potentially be the highlight of your journey in Peru. The three sections we will...
The section after Huamachuco marks the beginning of my most anticipated portion of our tour of the Andes. This route takes you to a vista of the Cordillera Blanca before crossing one of the...
Jaen to Kuelap This section of Peru includes some very enjoyable cycling – it is almost entirely paved, and well graded. For us, it was the easiest riding of our 5,000 mile journey from...
This section takes you through Southern Ecuador into Peru. From Cuenca to Jaen, you will only pass through two sizable towns – Loja, and San Ignacio. This makes for quiet roads, but some very...