Kayak Sailing the ICW on a Hobie Tandem Island

In December 2024, my wife and I drove across the United States to put our Hobie Tandem Island into the water near the Everglades and begin sailing North along the IntraCostal Waterway (ICW).

The most up-to-date way to track us is using our live tracker. This requires that I push a button, and this tracker is with us (on our bodies). We can also be tracked via our AIS beacon which is associated with the boat, not our bodies. You can track using the following sites (note that as an unpaid user, you can only see our position via land-based towers. Our AIS signal is also received by Satellite, but that requires an expensive subscription. As such, there may be days where our position is delayed until we come within range of a land-based tower):

  • Marine Traffic – best coverage and easy to user interface.
  • Vessel Finder – sometimes sees us when Marine Traffic Cannot.
  • Ship Finder – you can see us via satellite, but with 12 hour delay.

We plan to sail from Key Largo, FL to Norfolk, VA by the middle of April.  I will be uploading our posts (with a slight delay) to the blog as we work our way along the route.


This is the map for the entire route discussed in this post.  To Export GPX files, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner of the map and select Export selected map data... To see full screen, click here (opens in new window)


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2 Responses

  1. Libby Mackey says:

    Hey Brian & Janet. Heard about your journey via Peter Frank. If you need a place to stay near Holden Beach, NC, hit me up on FB Messenger or email. We are less than 5 minutes from Holden Beach marina.

    • Brian says:

      Libby – thanks for your kindness!! We have already passed Holden Beach and are now in Southport. We are taking two days of rest. The problem with my website is that it does not notify me for comments. Only direct messages using the contact form. As such, I just looked today from a hotel. Would you want to get together for coffee or something like that? By land, I imagine we aren’t too far. You can use the contact form instead of the comments if you’re interested. Thanks!

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